Why the Scale Doesn't Tell the Whole Picture

fatloss macros muscle Feb 03, 2021

If you are fixated on the number on the scale, it could be keeping you from reaching your body composition goals. 

Back in 2010, I was at my lowest weight of 125lbs. At that time I ran marathons and felt like I had to earn my calories via exercise. Now, in 2021, I am at my highest weight of 140lbs. I am also the most satisfied with my current body composition...15lbs heavier. Over the past 11 years I have learned a LOT, and I hope that this post resonates with you as you read it.

Like most women, I used to get caught up in the number on the scale. As long as I could “stay below 130lbs” then I was “on the right track.” Why was 130lbs so magical? I couldn’t tell you. Maybe it was because it was what my “small” friends weighed or what the calculated “ideal body weight” was for me. For whatever reason, I had it in my head that I wanted to weigh 130lbs or less. I didn’t understand the concept of weight fluctuations, and any movement up on the scale was bad news, and any movement down was good news. Is my weight up? Gotta be more disciplined! 

Now, at my heaviest weight of 140lbs, I love my body and honestly couldn’t care less when I see the number fluctuate up to 143lbs on some days, and it doesn’t make me “happy” when I see it fluctuate down to 139lbs. The number can give me a lot of good information, but it isn’t the defining factor of my progress. 


Rather than focusing so much on what the scale says, these are the things that I now focus on:

  • Eating enough protein, carbs, and fats for MY body.
  • Building muscle through regular strength training.
  • Moving my body regularly throughout the day.
  • Having the freedom to eat the foods that I enjoy! (like ice cream and cereal) 

Over the past 11 years my body has had some major COMPOSITION changes. Our bodies are composed of water, muscle, and fat. I have seen a lot of muscle growth and some body fat reduction, yet the scale has gone up… and up… and up. That is because the composition of my body weight has changed. 

This is why I encourage my clients to take progress photos and measurements, because the weight on the scale might not budge, but that does not mean that they aren’t having changes to the ratio of fat to muscle. 

There have been 4 big game changers for me when it comes to reaching my desired body composition:

  1. Tracking macros (protein, carbs, and fats) and adjusting those numbers for my goals.
  2. Incorporating regular strength training and moving away from endurance running.
  3. Allowing myself to incorporate things like cereal and ice cream on a regular basis.
  4. Hiring a coach. I plan to write an entire post specifically on this topic, so hang tight. 

With a good plan, consistency, and possibly a coach to guide you, it is very possible to reach your body composition goals! 


Which step in the process do you think is lacking for you? 

Do you lack a good plan?

Do you lack consistency?

Maybe you need another set of eyes and ears to help you, encourage you, and challenge you?


The first step I always suggest is starting with tracking your food. The only way to understand what needs to change is to understand your habits. After you have done that, download my free Macros Worksheet to get started with macro counting. 


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