Recommended At Home Workout Equipment

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2023

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If you are just getting started with working out from home, it can be overwhelming to know what equipment you need to purchase! Fortunately, you can create a nice at home set up for less than $500. 

If you follow my workout programming, then you can get away with minimal equipment, which I will list below. 



One of the most important pieces of equipment. It is a good idea to get a range of weights for different movements plus you will get stronger as you make strength training a habit, which will result in lifting heavier weights! 

This dumbbell set would be a great starter set. It has weights ranging from 5-25lbs, which is going to provide you with a good variety of weight for different exercises and allow you to increase in weight as needed. The heavier weights will be helpful for compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and presses, while the lighter weights will be good for accessory movements like bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc. 

You will most likely end up saving money if you purchase the dumbbells as an entire set, versus buy each weight individually. If you are wanting to buy individual dumbbells, I like this brand. 


Resistance Bands

In my workouts, I primarily use resistance bands within warm up exercises or glute (butt) isolated movements. These resistance bands will work great for these purposes. There are varying resistance levels, from very light to heavy so that you can adjust your difficulty level. 


Mat and Exercise Ball

For exercise mats, you really don't need anything fancy, heck you could even just lay down a towel! I workout in my garage, and even though we have mats specific for working out, I still like to lay down an additional exercise mat to avoid laying in dirt and dog hair! This mat is a great choice and inexpensive. If you are looking for a mat that provides more cushion, this is a good brand. 

Within my workouts, I recommend using an exercise ball in place of an exercise bench for movements like chest press and chest flies. Exercise balls can also be used for other accessory movements like hamstring curls, planks, and glute bridges. Again, this doesn't need to be anything fancy. This exercise ball would work just fine. I recommend getting size medium. 


If you follow my exercise programming, this is all the equipment that you would need in order to complete the workouts!


Box (not required, but nice to have)

Having a box can be nice for movements like box step ups, bridges, bulgarian split squats, and more. Most people can get by with using a sturdy chair, but I find the box to be more stable! This box (24 x 20 x 16) has a foam layer that I like in case of a fall, but if you are looking to save money you can go with a wooden box without the foam layer like this. 


Building a home workout set up will actually end up saving you money in the long run! Not to mention, you can just throw on some workout clothes and knock out a 30 minute workout at home!

I hoped this help give you some guidance on what equipment you'll need if you are looking to get in an efficient and effective at home workout! 


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