Transform your body without restrictive dieting.

It's possible to manage your weight, balance your hormones, improve your digestion, and feel confident in your own skin WITHOUT low carb dieting or the deprivation mindset. 

I've helped many of my clients do just this, and I can help you too. 
Let's chat âž™

Transform your body without restrictive dieting.

It's possible to manage your weight, balance your hormones, improve your digestion, and feel confident in your own skin WITHOUT low carb dieting or the deprivation mindset. 

I've helped many of my clients do just this, and I can help you too. 
Let's chat âž™

Working with Rachel is the best gift I could have given myself. 

"I have seen so many results. Physically, I have so much more energy, my workouts are more productive, and I am seeing increased muscle definition. I feel a natural kind of high just from eating the right foods and getting the right amount of nutrients - no more deprivation! Mentally, I feel so free. My guilt about food is diminishing and I am confident for the first time that I am getting it right, even if I am not perfect. Rachel is the best encourager and motivator! 

- Lisa

I finally feel confident in myself. 

"I know exactly what I need to do in order to lose weight safely and maintain it without restriction. I have muscle definition and I am physically stronger than I have ever been. I finally feel confident in myself!"

- Loren

I feel better than I ever have. 

“I have tried every diet there is. I am on week 5 with you and down almost 10lbs. But more importantly, I don’t feel restricted, I feel better than I ever have and my family has adapted a new way of eating that we actually enjoy and can sustain.”

- Megan

Get the personalized plan you've been wanting.

We take a holistic approach to your health. Your body is an interconnected system, so we will consider all aspects in order to develop the best plan of action for you! With your goals and history in mind, we will work together to develop custom nutrition, lifestyle, and exercise recommendations for you! Our dietitians are trained in interpreting your lab work to better understand what your body needs!

Ready to work with us? âž™
"Rachel helped dig into the underlying causes of my weight loss struggles and provided tools and guidance for me to be successful."

- Meggie

“Before starting your program, I was in such a low place personally... I was overwhelmed and wanted to change but didn’t know where to start...I’m in such a healthier place and a better mom!”

- Tori

"I cannot say thank you enough... I am down 30 pounds. That isn’t to say “yay I lost 30lbs” but YAY I feel amazing. I have so much more energy to chase my toddler around. I finally have a healthy relationship with food. I understand why and how to fuel my body. I’m eating more (of the right foods) than ever before and feel amazing! 

- Nicole

Rachel Benight, MS RD/LD

I'm a wife, mom of 2, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and NASM Certified Personal Trainer with an additional certification in Pre and Post Natal Training. 

My not-so-positive (but very common!) journey with dieting led me to create something that is simple and sustainable for both myself and my clients. 

I help driven, health-focused women, who have been burned by fad diets, learn how revive their metabolism for losing inches, boosting energy, and feeling good in their bodies.

Using a holistic approach, together we work on creating a personalized plan for optimizing your metabolic function. This is done through in depth lab testing, a whole foods focus, lifestyle changes, and custom exercise plan. 

Chloe Singleton MS, RD/LD

As a registered dietitian nutritionist, I have a deep passion for how food impacts our health, however my journey with nutrition has not always been straightforward. I frequently found myself seeking answers to my own struggles - hormonal imbalances, acne, digestive issues, and fatigue - through numerous diets that left me with increasing frustration and disappointing results.

Through a holistic approach to nutrition—focusing on the fundamentals of sunlight exposure, sleep, stress-management, nutrient-dense whole foods, and investigative lab testing—I was able to improve my health significantly.

Now, I am dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of nutrition to discover what works best for you. I am passionate about empowering individuals to take gradual steps toward their wellness goals.

To further my knowledge in whole-person, individualized care, I have completed additional training in functional & integrative nutrition with. As a WIC Nutritionist and Certified Lactation Specialist, I also enjoy helping pregnant and postpartum moms create a supportive relationship with food and attain their breastfeeding goals. Additionally, as a trained clinician in the SOS (Sequential, Oral, Sensory) Approach to Feeding, I can assist clients in creating nutritious meals for their entire family with ease. 

In my spare time, I enjoy outdoor walks, crafting with friends, and cooking new recipes in my Instant pot or crockpot! (Plus, you may find me dancing in my kitchen from time-to-time!) I look forward to working with you and supporting you on your health journey!"

"I have felt like my body was “broken” for a long time. And the results so far has given me confidence that I’m on the right track"

- Cari

“I was pleasantly surprised at how much more energy I had. It has changed the way I look at eating and approach fueling my body! What I was doing wasn't working...Having increased energy and fueling my body with what it needs has made a big difference in my mental health.”

- Emily

"My bloating has gone down pretty much 100%. I feel like I now have the tools to make sure I keep my gut healthy and happy. My energy levels have increase DRAMATICALLY. Rachel helped me find the correct supplements for my body and not just a general vitamin."

- Lillian