I am a Holistic Registered Dietitian and I Take an Anti-Depressant

Uncategorized Dec 03, 2019

I am a Registered Dietitian, trained in Integrative/Functional Nutrition. I believe that the body is an interconnected network, and the foods we put in our body, our lifestyle choices, and our environment have a big impact on our overall health. I believe that food is powerful and has the ability to heal the body. I know from experience that certain conditions can be reversed through diet and lifestyle changes. I have seen women find complete freedom in their health through natural approaches, taking a medication-free approach.

I believe these things, yet I take an anti-depressant. I have been on an anti-depressant for about 13 years of my adolescent and young adult life to address the serious anxiety that I have experienced from childhood. 


About 4 years ago, I took a big shift in my career as a dietitian and started learning about integrative/holistic approaches to health. I started to develop a belief that medication was the “easy way out” and a “band-aide” to a deeper-rooted issue. I had convinced myself that I did not need medication for the anxiety I had battled for 24+ years, rather I needed to take a natural approach. I made it my mission to “heal myself” and come off the anti-depressant. If you live or have been exposed to the world of holistic/integrative health, then you know that there is a “natural approach” to almost everything. 


I felt inadequate and embarrassed as a health practitioner that took an anti-depressant. I successfully came off of medication and was off for over a year. I had reached my goal, but I was miserable. I was plagued with anxiety every morning, rarely experiencing days of relief. I lost vigor and vitality. My mind was consumed with myself. The final destination of being off medication greatly disappointed me, and again, I felt like I had failed. How was I supposed to help other people with their health goals if I could not even help myself? I had tried every natural approach and felt completely defeated. 

I started back on medication about 18 months ago. When I made the decision to go back on medication, I felt like a fraud. I thought my purpose was to help women use natural approaches to finding healing for their bodies. 

Gradually, as time passed being back on medication, I started feeling myself again. The daily anxiety had lifted, and I actually felt like Rachel again. People assume that anti-depressants make you a “zombie” and “emotionless,” when this is simply not true. In some cases, when the medication is not appropriate for the individual, this can happen, but in my situation, the anti-depressant makes me experience normalcy. The vitality and vigor for life returned, and I began to see a purpose for what I had experienced. I still experience anxiety like any normal person, but it does not consume my day to day life. 

I can tell you that going back on medication was one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. Maybe you do not want to hear that. Maybe you have been struggling in your own health, resisting medication. You have an autoimmune disease and are dead set on only doing natural therapies, you have a thyroid imbalance and are certain that medication is not for you, wanting to do everything naturally. You are spinning your wheels and feeling defeated. Hey, I GET IT! I can say from experience that I understand the struggle. And this post is in no way trying to convince you to take or not take medication. The decision to be or not to be on medication is between you and your trusted health professional.

You are not defined by the medication or lack of medication that you take!

You are not defined by your diet, your level of exercise, or your supplement protocol. 

All of these things (food, supplements, medication) are tools to help you find freedom in your health. The end goal is freedom, not feeling guilt and shame around your health decisions. 

I am a Holistic/Integrative Dietitian and I take an anti-depressant. I also consume nourishing foods, move my body regularly, and take supplements. I finally have freedom in my health.


What about you? Are you looking for answers to your health?

You deserve to live a life free from anxiety and obsession around your health, and I can help.


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